
Hair Fair Bandanas and YOU! How you can Help Wigs for Kids.

Bandana Day Kit 2024

All finished bandanas must be in by 7th May 2024 – Available on Marketplace

Hair Fair is a month away, starting on June 1st 2024. Each year we ask the community of Second Life to help us further by creating Bandanas that we sell during the event and round out the event with the last day being the official Bandana Day.

Each year we receive bandanas either textured variants of the bandanas we provide in our kit or unique mesh created by those that want to help support this cause. We invite anyone interested to grab the kit available and help add to the money raised through this annual event, this is the 18th Year of Bandanas and we are so moved by everyone’s eagerness to help. You do not have to own a store or be a creator to help, look at the information to see how you can participate, thank you.

How to use the KIT

Examples of Bandanas created in past years…

If you need a kit, please contact HairFairSL Core. Or you can purchase it for 0L on Marketplace  Please only use this kit for what it is intended for.

Bandana Day in Second Life, started in 2007, It’s a day we encourage people from all over SL to remove their hair and wear bandanas decorated by Residents (not just hair creators!) grid wide.

The Bandana’s in this Kit have been created by Mel Vanbeeck , and are not to be used for anything other than Bandana Day Bandanas.

The idea is to decorate the bandanas provided with either a texture (textures must not have images or logos of RL products or copyright material) prims/sculpts/mesh, or both (NO HAIR) and return it full perms to CharitySasy String – Perms will be changed to No Copy and sold Mod/Transfer as we do every year, so people can buy for others.

You can also create and donate your own bandana in mesh you have created, but it will need to be given full perms (perms will be sold as transfer mod) and will not be used for anything but this event.

We also encourage you to create a notecard that explains why you have decorated the bandana, as many people have their own stories as to why they support this cause. You do not have to do this, it is just something we will include in your bandanas box to share with the person that buys them.

All money from the sale of these bandanas will go to Wigs for Kids and will only be sold by the Hair Fair Committee at Hair Fair 2024. After the event, the bandanas will be unavailable, after you send your bandana to the committee please delete the kit and its contents.

You all have your own friends/fans/customers so putting your own logo/name/blog on the ad is recommended, that way customers will know at a glance whose bandanas they want to buy if they are limited to purchasing only a few.
you can add your logo to the bottom right-hand corner of the template we provided in the kit.

Thank you, in advance, if you choose to participate.

Subscribo to keep up to date on all things Hair Fair 2024

also do you not forget to join the Hair Fair DEMO Group, all demos will be sent the day before Hair Fair starts. secondlife:///app/group/2e30d166-f3e5-e2de-ff72-b3da2d06ded2/about < copy paste to local chat to join group or just search Hair Fair Demo group in Groups tab of search.


Hair Fair 2024 – Designer Applications

The annual Hair Fair event is coming soon, and we are now in the application process. If you make Hair, Hair Bases, Facial Hair (Male/Female – Brows, Lashes, Beards and Moustaches), Hair Accessories and Hair Props and Poses…we want YOU! to join us as we use this annual event to help Wigs for Kids. You will find all the information HERE. Do not delay, as applications close March 20th. 


Hair Fair 2023 – Totals and Thank Yous

Hair Fair Banner 2023

Edited to add receipt and thank you from Wigs for kids 🙂
Wigs for kids Thank you Letter Hair Fair 2023 - Second Life copy

Hair Fair closed last night and it was a really great run. We received a lot of compliments from people who attended, but also some questions about changes that have been made to the event over the years. I thought I would address those questions here, since all of our rules and application information are publicly available on this site.

Hair Fair has been around for 17 years, and a lot has changed in that time. In the early days, it was one of the only major annual events for content creators. However, there are now many other events happening throughout the year, which has put a lot of strain on creators. They often have commitments to multiple events at the same time, which was making it difficult to participate in Hair Fair.

In the past, we had a minimum number of items that creators were required to submit. However, we found that this was too restrictive, and it led to creators dropping out at the last minute if they were unable to meet the requirement. Not every intended creation goes as planned, and with deadlines sometimes an issue with software or an upload can escalate and the result can be no item. If someone that was meant to be in the event, does not turn up to the event, we just hope that they are ok, and that they come back to us next year. We also wanted to make sure that Hair Fair was accessible to creators who may not have the time or resources to create a large number of items.

As a result, we lowered the minimum number of items and made it possible for creators to submit just one item. Over the past few years we also added hair accessories, facial hair, and hair-related poses and props to the event. We believe that hair is a canvas, and we want to showcase the creativity of all types of creators.

We understand that some people may be concerned about the changes that we have made to Hair Fair. However, we believe that these changes are necessary to make the event more accessible and inclusive. We are always striving to improve Hair Fair, and we hope that you will continue to support us.

Now that all that has been explained, hopefully well enough, on to the totals and thank yous.

Hair Fair donations by Participants (the percentage donated from each purchase) – L$2,255,768

Hair Fair Donations by Kiosks, Bandanas, Hair Wraps and Hair Fair Hares – L$223,786

Grand totalL$2,479,554 

Donation amounts by participants start at 15% and go as high as 100%, so this total is fantastic, and Wigs for Kids will be very appreciative. As soon as we send the funds and receive a receipt from them we will add it to the website.

Now for our thanks.


Thank you so much for your participation in Hair Fair this year! We are so grateful for your generosity in donating a percentage of all purchases to Wigs for Kids. Your contribution will help to make a real difference in the lives of many children that need that help and care.

We also appreciate your support of other content creators at the event. It is great to see that you are encouraging your customers to explore the work of other talented artists. This helps to create a sense of community and support among the Second Life hair and beauty community.

Bandana Creators/Contributors :

Thank you to everyone who decorated the bandanas and hair wraps for Hair Fair this year! Your creativity and generosity helped to raise a lot of money for Wigs for Kids.

A special shout out to Alaska Metropolitan, Sissy Pessoa, and Thorny Thistle for donating their own mesh bandanas/hairwraps to the event. We are so grateful for your support and trust you have in us with your work.

Thank you to Mirja Mills who donated her hair wrap mesh to the committee to use internally to create additional options, it has been a lovely addition to our booth.

Thank you to Anya Ohmai and Mel Vanbeeck, to Anya for creating the mascot Hair Fair Hare that we add to each year, and has become adorable collectibles for the event. Thank you to Mel for the base bandana that we use each and every year to decorate, and submit to be sold during the event, making it possible for anyone in the Second Life community to get artistic.

We also want to thank the customers who bought bandanas and hair wraps from the booths. Your purchases helped to make the event a success and raise money for a great cause.


We are so grateful for your support of Hair Fair and Wigs for Kids. Your attendance and purchases help us to raise money that will help children feel better about themselves and their appearance.

We know that you take the time to shop at Hair Fair and bring your friends and alts. This means a lot to us, and it helps us to reach a wider audience. We are always appreciative of your support, and we look forward to seeing you again next year!

Linden Lab:

Their resources and support make it so much easier for event organizers to create and run successful events.

We especially appreciate the way that LL includes events like Hair Fair in their Destination Guide. This helps to raise awareness of the event and attract visitors from all over Second Life. LL also promoted Hair Fair on their social media channels, which helps to reach an even wider audience.

We know that LL has a lot of other things on their plate, but they always make time to interact with us and answer our questions. This is really important to us, and it makes us feel like LL is truly invested in the success of our events.

Thank you, LL, for providing such an awesome platform for events like Hair Fair! We couldn’t do it without you.


Each year they do an incredible job at promoting our sign ups for creators, they promote the event during its time, from open to close and we are so grateful that they have taken on such a role in the overall community spirit that is Second Life. Thank you to your whole MOTD team, as is the case every year, it was an absolute pleasure dealing with them.

SugarSL : 

They worked so hard on making sure that everyone knew that this event was coming. They advertised on their website leading up to it’s opening, and during the event they made sure that they had a full gallery and shared their information across platforms. We are truly grateful and it was an absolute pleasure working with their team. It was a great press team effort, they provided us with coverage and we in return promoted their site on our website and at the landing points of the event, so we hope you did save them as a bookmark for all the events they cover.

Essential Inventory :

They provided a gallery for the event on their website, and made sure that people knew it was on. We are always very grateful for the events sites that reach out to events like ours, and make sure that the community as a whole has the information needed to attend, and be excited for an event such as this.


They advertise the event on their blogger feed, that reaches many people leading up to and during the event, it is a fantastic resource for stores, bloggers and readers that want to know what is happening in Second Life, if you are a blogger that does not have their website feeding to it, fix that 🙂 so those of us that read it daily can see your work. If you are a store that wants to advertise contact them. They are the longest running Second Life feed and such a benefit to the community and Hair Fair each and every year. Thank you for what you do.

HairSL :

A group and website that shares Hair related activities and is also always very supportive of Hair Fair and allows us to promote the event through their platforms, we are very grateful for that, and to their team for the annual support.

New World Notes : 

New World Notes is a fantastic Second Life resource, keep up to date on newsworthy Second Life information. They advertise Hair Fair and we are really grateful for them doing so, and we reciprocate with an ad on our website. So we hope that you add them to your bookmarks so you can catch up on really interesting news. The avatar behind NWN Hamlet Au has just released a new book on Second Life so you can get information on that on their website.

Second Life Bloggers :

There are so many incredible Second Life bloggers out there that help to spread the word about the event and attract new visitors. We do have an early access bloggers group that promote the event just because they want to share the information with their readers/followers. The early access bloggers are not sent items in that group, they are bloggers that have voluntarily done amazing coverage over the years, and we wanted to make sure that they have the early access that may help that along. Many of them added pictures to our Hair Fair Flickr pool, so if you have not seen them yet, go have a look, some amazing pictures were done and great coverage of which we are so grateful for. To those that covered the event by being bloggers for particular brands participating or just because you purchased hair and included credits with your pictures, thank you, because of how you show an item, you helped us help Wigs for Kids and the Hair Fair community.

Thank you so much to everyone!

If you have any questions about Hair Fair, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always happy to answer questions and provide clarification. Thank you for your support of Hair Fair! We look forward to seeing you next year.

Hair Fair Banner 2023


Hair Fair 2023 – Now Open

Hair Fair 2023 is now open to the public. Many incredible content creators from all over Second Life are participating in this event, where they donate a percentage of every purchase made during. All donations go to Wigs for Kids so we do hope you will take the time to visit us until July 2nd, there are donation kiosks also at the location. So come and visit 6 regions of hair, hair accessories and poses/props, and do your bit to help Wigs for Kids.

Blonde Region



Curious Kitties




Geek by Vinyl

Vanity Hair



She said destroy


Navy + Copper

Made in Tokyo


Redhead Region

Analog Dog


Mister Razzor

Sparkle Skye

Platinum Shop

The Little Bat

Angel Eyes


Just Magnetized

Bliensen + MaiTai




Madame Noir

Lock & Tuft

Noirette Region











Poison Rouge






Foils Region







Tea Lane


Alli & Ali Designs



My Bags


Ayame Ame


Brunette Region



Grasshopper St.


Sassy Sweet Poses

Hair Studio ONE/ONE Creations






The Mars



Boutique #187

Streaks Region








Girly Co.


Elephante Collective



All Divas

E.A Studio



Hair Fair 2023 – Early Access Winners

The winners have been selected from each location. FLickr, Twitter, Instagram and Marketplace. Each of the winners will be contacted in world and they will provide us with the names of two friends to accompany them to early access.

“Due to name elimination when winning in another location, the instagram list ended up shorter than the 10 needed to give prizes. I pooled all remaining names from all locations to find the extras needed.

Flickr Winners
Adrilua Zabaleta
Talula Ophelia
Morghana Savira
llspic3ykayll resident
Paola mills
dizzdizz resident
Tekila Vella
Alicia Mureaux
gabbyjaws resident

Twitter Winners
You Boo
ArriMorgi Resident
Synful Ghost
RedWrath Resident
Felizitas Barbosa
Heavenly Seaside
Caitlin Tobias
Xuxa Carnell
Nadjanator Resident
anandaheart resident

Marketplace Winners
Ashlyn Tinseltail
himehime Andel
Candice Serenity
juana SecretSpy
FrederiqueEilish McMillan
FlNAL Ansar
whisper Speculaas

Instagram Winners
aneekelly Resident
Carley Benazzi
Sugah Pancake
Yasemin Rexen
Lux Chiantelle
Sunniebunnie Softpaw
Gabonica Lorefield
*DollyStar Piers
*colleen Criss
*Zuri Rayna